Welcome to Gentle Touch | A place and time to rest and rejuvenate.
Loyce duLin
LMT, CLT Lic. # 275
Offering 43 years of experience
Advanced certifications in Therapeutic Massage, Manual Lymph Drainage, and Oncology/Medical massage.
Sessions may integrate massage techniques with reflexology, hot stones, Reiki, craniosacral holds or acupressure points providing support to the body and encourage physical and emotional well-being. Individual needs and adaptations are considered, offering a safe and relaxing experience.
Natural Therapeutic Specialist
January 1981 from the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics (1,000 hour training)
Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder Technique) and Complete Decongestive Therapy
May 2007 from the Academy of Lymphatic Studies (135 hour training) Additional training in Manual Lymph Drainage (Chikly Technique) from the Upledger Institute
Oncology Massage March 2013 from the Peregrine Institute of Oncology Massage Training (300 hour training).
Additional training in: Craniosacral Therapy; Medical Massage; Acupressure points; Trauma and the Body; Reiki; Advanced Polarity; Homeopathy.
Work experience in clinical settings, care facilities, group doctor offices, homes, retreats, conferences and my private practice in both Albuquerque and Placitas.