Therapeutic Massage
The#1 benefit of massage therapy is reducing the effect of stress on the mind and body.
Reduction in discomfort and pain
Relief from tight neck/shoulder discomfort.
Reduction of stress headaches.
Alleviates lower back weariness and tension from desk work: knotted muscles from intense computer tasks.
Quicker recovery time from surgery,accident and /or injuries.
Receiving touch- such an important element in our overall health and well -being.
Getting to know your own body patterns.
Increased circulation and flexibility throughout the body.
Moisturizing the skin
Massage Therapy offers a relaxing break for the mind and body, allowing a chance to rest and rejuvenate.
Sessions are offered in a peaceful, private setting. After disrobing to comfort level, you lay down on a massage table with your body fully draped. The amount of pressure used is tailored to your needs and desires with continual monitoring through session. Treatments vary from 1/2 hour to 2 hours per session. Frequency of massage therapy treatments depend on intent of outcome.
For continued benefit and post-treatment well -being, increased water intake is strongly encouraged.